International Press Release

Machines and the media: The Glutton® is front page news!
Excerpts from a few articles published on the Glutton®, in Belgium and abroad…

Street Glutton awarded economy prize for the Province of Liège
The Christian Lange company of Wierde was awarded the Economy Prize of the Province
of Namur yesterday. The Lange company manufacture the famous Gluttons…
Excerpt: “ … the Glutton® urban waste vacuum cleaner, that odd-looking moving machine which has transfor- med the age-old profession of street sweeping into one involving trained and motorised cleaning experts… “
The Glutton®’s insatiable appetite
The inventor of the Glutton®, the street-sweeping urban waste vacuum cleaner, has been awarded the 1998 Economy Prize of the Province of Namur.
New ways to keep the city clean
In September, the city received the 7 urban waste vacuum cleaner (…) intended permit the gradual mechanisation of the city’s street sweeping activities accompanied by in- creased cleanliness.
City Maintenance Department introduces its new “Glutton®s”.
These super urban waste vacuum cleaners will be put into service in a few days…
Excerpt: “And since Christmas is coming, the City Maintenance Department just got a beautiful present, taking delivery of 14 new ‘Glutton®s’, those super ur- ban waste vacuum cleaner which devour paper, pac- kages and cigarette butts, dog droppings, beverage cans, chip packets, fallen leaves, etc. “

The “Father of the Glutton®” proud of his offspring!
Christian Lange designed this machine which can aptly be described as the street-sweeper’s dream.
Excerpt: “The Glutton®. This fabulous machine, which is no bigger than a man and which can be operated with almost limitless ease of handling, is the brain child of Christian Lange, who first designed it in 1994. Perched on its solid, motorised wheels, it vacuums up waste with amazing facility. The results could hardly be more pleasing: increased efficiency in city street mainte- nance and reduced effort for maintenance personnel.”
When the urban waste vacuum cleaner replaces the broom
Silent, capable of going anywhere, the new urban waste vacuum cleaner of the maintenance service of the city of Epernay has been in the service of the city for a few weeks now.
Excerpt: “The new electric urban waste vacuum clea- ner (the Glutton®) allows more efficient cleaning of pu- blic spaces”, explains Yannick Paille, head of the city maintenance service. Another advantage: it is quieter than most household vacuum cleaners.”

Objective: achieving a cleaner city using an efficient tool!
A truly omnivorous urban waste vacuum cleaner!
The cleanliness of our cities, especially in areas receiving a lot of pedestrian traffic, such as city squares, pavements, pedestrian areas, etc., is of great concern to city maintenance officials.
With the Glutton®, the old admonition ‘Keep our City Clean’ is easy to comply with! The Glutton® is a urban waste vacuum cleaner capable of vacuuming up every pos- sible kind of dirt found on our pavements: papers, packets and cigarette butts, dog droppings and other excrement, beverage cans, chip bags, fallen leaves, etc. Equipped with a 4 stroke or electric motor and a variable speed transmission with forward and reverse, the Glutton® quickly causes all kinds of dirt to disappear into its 240-litre container.
Street sweeping is probably the only profession which has never been improved upon by more efficient, adequate tools to make the work more rewarding!
The street broom and «rubbish cart» are finally about to take their retirement, perhaps in the peace of a museum, since, with the Glutton®, they have met with a worthy successor, one well able to perform this exhausting and difficult task.
Thanks to Glutton®, maintenance work is more pleasant and rewarding, increasing motivation and ensuring a job well done… particularly in an increasingly cleaner city environment!
The simple but distinguished line of Glutton® puts a smile on the faces of passersby; many people spontaneously wave at the operator.
The machine renders enormous service in contributing to the cleanliness of our city environments, and since the city is cleaner, the people who live or work in the city are happier, leading to an improvement in human relationships!